We learn from what we experience
1st Cycle
2nd Cycle
Our Purpose
Support and encourage each child to discover and explore their potential, respecting their time and growth process.
Aldeia Nova Tera
With the assumption that we learn from what we experience and that each child is an individual, Aldeia is a safe space, where experiences are lived, allowing them to discover and develop their maximum potential.
The child is at the center of everything done at school and has an active role in their development process.
Our Vision
Through education, contribute to a society with more active, conscious and participatory citizens in the world.
Be a system that, besides having its pillars, also has the flexibility to adjust to its different elements.
Give the child an active role in their development process, allowing them to make choices and participate in day-to-day school life.
Be a system that evolves, following the development of the world around it.
Find synergies in parents and the surrounding community that contribute to the success and growth of this project.
We embrace human diversity, accepting different nationalities, beliefs, special educational needs, with respect and love.
We cultivate in children respect for nature and their awareness of the future of our planet.
Heterogeneous Groups
English integrated into the entire routine
Daily meditation
Moments of individual choice
Small and large group activities​​
Outdoor time – every week spend a day or morning outside of school (forest or field trips)​​​
Routine enrichment with arts: arts workshops, music, physical education, garden
Project work based on the child’s motivations and interests
Class diary and weekly assemblies encouraging group participation in class dynamics
Weekly sound workshop with the speech therapist for 5-year-olds
Emotions workshop with the psychologist for all children
Weekly 7 senses workshop with an occupational therapist for 5-year-old
Diverse and multifaceted assessment
1st Cycle
Heterogeneous group from 1st to 3rd year
Team in the classroom of 2 permanent teachers and an English teacher rotating between classrooms (integrated into the entire routine)
Moments of daily meditation, individual choice, small and large group activities
Multi and interdisciplinary exploration of themes
Experiential Learning: experiencing concepts, project work, brainstorming, creating study support material,…
Involvement in the whole learning process with responsibility for the individual and collective journey
Enriching routine with arts, music, physical education and workshops (dramatic expression, cooking and vegetable gardening)
Class diary and weekly assemblies encouraging group participation in class dynamics
Diverse and multifaceted assessment
2nd Cycle
​Heterogeneous group from 4th to 6th year
Team of 2 teachers in the classroom (Portuguese and mathematics/science) and an English teacher rotating between classrooms (integrated into the entire routine)
Moments of daily meditation, individual choice, small and large group activities
Multi and interdisciplinary exploration of themes
Experiential Learning: experiencing concepts, project work, flipped classes, brainstorming, creating study support material,…
Involvement in the whole learning process with responsibility for the individual and collective journey
Enriching routine with arts, music, physical education and workshops (dramatic expression, cooking and vegetable gardening)
Class diary and weekly assemblies encouraging group participation in class dynamics
Diverse and multifaceted assessment
Pedagogical Project
Guiding principles
RESPECT for the individuality and rhythm of each child
EXPERIENTIAL learning based on interests and motivations
MULTIDISCIPLINARY exploration of themes
Individual, small and large group work
ENGLISH present in the daily routine
HOLISTIC development of the child
Understanding the child as an INTEGRAL PART of a system
Learning COMMUNITY that supports and interacts with each other
SKILLS development
Skills to Develop
critical thinking
TEAM work
Expression and receptivity of IDEAS
Sense of SELF
Awareness and management of EMOTIONS
Analysis and INTERPRETATION of information
ORGANIZATION and planning
Environmental, human and individual AWARENESS
In the 1st and 2nd cycle, one afternoon a week is dedicated to our four workshops: vegetable garden, nature, dramatic expression and cooking.
In preschool, one afternoon a week is dedicated to the garden workshop and, once a month, to cooking.
Healthy eating is one of the pillars underpinning this project. We believe that food plays a fundamental role in a child's well-being and development, enhancing their capacity for learning and creativity.
Our food is mostly organic and seasonal, with no processed or refined foods.
Morning snack, lunch (soup and plate) and afternoon snack are served daily.
Weekly menu: 2x vegetarian, 2x fish*, 1x meat*
*Vegetarian/vegan option available on these days
If you have any questions or would like to know more information, please contact us
Quinta da Ponte, Third Circular
2755 - 099 Cascais
Teresa Noéme 918 993 464
Mariana Garcia 918 571 950